Well, after the setbacks of the earlier days I adjusted my training. Maintained my cardio with a few lap sessions at the gym's pool and did a tempo on the stationary bike thursday. My visit with my physical therapist on Wednesday helped a lot. Kendra told me that the scar tissue was more evenly distributed, like a layer rather than a big ball unlike the scarring from my last tear a couple of years ago. My nursing has been successful then, I think to myself. Kendra thinks I am crazy to still want to do Sunday's Birch Bay marathon. But as far as protecting against injury my opinion it's all about intensity and level of discomfort I feel during normal activities such as going up stairs. I was able to do the Billy Banks ' Lower Body boot camp Friday morning without any pain or discomfort. I walked all afternoon in Seattle with my daughter after that. Although, true we went up the steps to Pike's Market from the pier and towards the top I felt a knot in my calf, it was subtle and not painful like it had been in the days past. Today I did not feel my calf at all. I can contract it comfortably and feel all the strength back in it.
I had been worried I wouldn't be able to run for a few weeks. I still haven't tried any distance. I though about doing a couple of miles today just to feel where I was at, but didn't. So I will find out tomorrow I guess. Definitely doing the Birch Bay marathon tomorrow. I can for sure walk it. Hopefully run it. More likely it will be a walk/run, that's the responsible thing to do (ah ah). It will be a slow run ... I figure I'll drop my pace to about 14-15 min a mile because of small strides. But what matters is I will not give up, will stick to the plan. For me that's what matters, for other that's the crazy talking ... But no matter what the "normal people" say I think I have a good balance of crazy with carefulness though. I went through all my stretching routines tonight, then rolled. Used my stretcher helper from footsmart.com I just received today (timely).
I am ready. Going to get some Z's. Early row call tomorrow at 0330, in Birch Bay by 0545, for ya'll that don't speak military that's be in Birch Bay by 5:45am. Happy dreaming everyone ... I will dream asphalt and trees for sure :)
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