Thursday, October 27, 2011

iRun ...

On 10/24/11 Mrs Cindie commented “I often wonder how the music we choose to listen to effects or ability to push ourselves or how quickly it changes the cadence as we move... Have you any thoughts on music choices? Of course these must be catered to our own personal music tastes, and at times I wish I was more musically inclined so as to better understand what beats/ rhythms work best for pushing a newbie such as myself... But what say you?” on my article Strides Intervals Walking Cadence.

I am having technical difficulties answering the comment directly so I will post my answer here instead.

Tunes will have a Beats per Minute (BPM), the tempo of the song.  Just like you have a tendency to tap to the music your body will have a tendency to want to hit the ground at that tempo when you run to music.  That tempo will generally not be the same as your body's cadence so listening to a fast song will have a tendency to wreck havoc on your regularity.  On the other hand listen to a song that's "too slow" and you will find it harder to "get in the grove".  My personal experience I find pop music fit pretty good my cadence.  Techno works for more focused run and most Metallica songs' will make for a sublime fast albeit shorter run.  I enjoy listening to "cyanide" and "unforgiven I, II or III" when I run.  Rap doesn't work at all, I don't know why the beat seems just out of sync with running.  A notable exception to this is Niky Minage which makes for an excellent hill climbing background lol.  When you choose a playlist for running the most important is to find music of similar tempo so that the music helps your cadence stay the same thru your run.  Don't use "random" feature on your master library files as it could mix and match fast, slow songs and songs that just don't work with running.  Advanced runners use apps such as "Cadence DJ".  The app scans the cadence of your target library.  Knowing what cadence you wanna run at then you can choose song that will support more consistent cadence.  I never used the app myself but I downloaded it and I am messing with now :) I know that for example for extreme races such as marathon some runners will build their playlist very specifically, targeting inspiring songs at those key miles they expect they'll need it most.  The key to choosing music at your level is finding music that will make the run "fun".  Other thing to consider a "neutral" bpm that is, that will promote your body running not "so fast nor to slow" which will promote your aerobic workout (60 - 70% max heart rate to loose weight, 70 - 80% to to increase heart and lung capacity). Why don't you put list of candidate songs and run once with it ... Then pick 2 or 3 you felt worked best, then refine a new playlist that includes similar artists/songs.  Experiment and find what works for you !  Create a slower playing for distance and a faster playlist for speed and a happy running running playlist for well ... just fun runs ... Let me know how what you playlist end up being like.  Sharing them can inspire other runners.  Happy Running Ms. Cindie !

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Las Vegas RnR Training - Day 17

 I haven't blogged for a few days.  I completed the Steilacoom Half marathon trail race on Sunday.  Did good placement-wise (2:04:54 11/18 age group and 47/132 overall).  But as a training run I didn't push it.  Still it was a difficult course with comparison of most the routes I ahve done with a 1000 ft elevation gain.  My legs got a workout !

I did some strides yesterday day 16 per my schedule but with the Bahamas cruise upon us in 2 days I need to shuffle the training schedule some this week.  The most important thing being I complete a 16 mile run this week.  My original plan was to begin the run on the ship's running track then finish that with a few miles off the shore ending at the Queen's staircase in historic Nassau.  I have been doing some more thinking I don't think this would work out as good as I think it would.  Running in Nassau will be fun but my training is serious business and there is no guaranty that indeed I will find the time to make it work.  For that reason I am gonna break the rule on have my long run in the middle of the week instead.  This afternoon.  Also I am worried about the high humidity in the Bahamas.  In reality Las Vegas will be dry and mild so there is no need for me to run in high humidity.  I may pass out of heat exhaustion running that many miles for all I know ... Not cool !

In a way it will let me experience what a long run feels like in less than ideal conditions.  It will be a tough run considering 1) this is Wednesday and all my runs on Wednesdays are tough for some reason and 2) I just ran a half Sunday.  But, I think I can manage.  I will run a local route in Marysville.  I can always drop out if I feel the run is too tough and will be not too far from home.  So per the revised week6 schedule Thursday (tomorrow) is the day we fly is day of rest.  I may workout tomorrow but no running.  I can enjoy leisure runs on the ship track with the ocean around me without the pressure of the training on my mind that way.  I figure I will run 6 milers the rest of the week. 

Happy running everyone !

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Strides - Intervals - Walking - Cadence

I think the articles I have read the last couples of days have been simmering in my sub-conscious to the point I was dreaming about running last night and had BBM flashbacks on the way to work this morning ... So I figure I would put these random thoughts down before getting the work day going.

Strides vs. Intervals:
Read more about strides and intervals yesterday.  Seem what I did yesterday (day 9 Las Vegas Training) would be considered more an interval training than a stride training ... Hal articles suggest 8x400m for both ... Hal suggest that strides will shave seconds off your time ... While intervals will increase your speed endurance and overall race performance.  To me it's confusing.  I found a more refined description of strides where strides are performed on say a 400m track, where you speed up rapidly to race pace or faster on the straights and slow down on the corners.  There are still recovery lap between strides and they still suggested 6-8 strides for the total workout like Hal, so there must be some magic to number 8 ... Strides are great to work on form as well.

On the other hand an interval can be defined differently.  Could be a distance interval, a time interval.  The speed on the interval can be varied.  The interval improves your speed, your speed endurance as well.  So where as strides might shave off a few seconds off your 5k and make the difference between being first and second, interval would enable you to run a little faster a little longer (that's what I take out of what i read).  Considering my current goal to run the Las Vegas RnR in under 4:30 what I need is run fast enought to shave off 9 minutes or more my time ... Consider it's at least 540s/26.2miles = 20.6 s/mile ... So really my goal is to have a more efficient run so that i shave a mere 21seconds off my av pace ... Running in the 10:17 min/mile ... Intervals can help me get there along with a better race strategy and i still have time for a potty break !

Walking breaks
Hal almost chastised a runner asking for advice on his blog for thinking to go the distance without walking breaks ... He asked why would you not work walking breaks into your marathon BEFORE the onset of fatigue?  Fair enough question I though.  Hal like most other experienced I runners favor walking breaks through the aid station as that makes hydration easier and maximize fluid intake (i.e. you don't spill your cups all over you).  All good advice.  Then I had a revelation this morning when I realized that there was a significant difference between my walking breaks during my 24 milers on the BBM course and the actual marathon.  I had the same potty break at mile 9, but I got lost a couple of times on the training run, first around marker 15 - 16 and another time around 17-18 ... The first time it was a branch, the map showed kinda one route so I decided to follow over the bridge.  Not even half a mile down the bridge the branch re-joined the main road so either way would had been fine however ...I stood there, say 30s walking in place trying to decide which way to go.  The other I was supposed to follow the airport road heading northeast but at that branch, I think past mile 17, I was just in awe at the beauty of the bay and I just flew by the split ... maybe a half a mile down on the wrong path I suddenly realized I may be off course.  Of course I managed to find my way back on course but again ... I walked some as I consulted the map printout and the iphone trying to figure out how to get back on course ... I had a couple more breaks later as I got lost I was nearing the waterfront then when I met SGF for a hug at mile 24.

For the actual marathon I ran through the first 18 miles.  Besides the potty break at mile 9 I didn't stop or walked.  I was carrying my own water so there was no need to slow down at aid station for water.  I didn't think much of it until this morning when I realized how different the cadence of my walking breaks was.  On the training route, I walked not as a result of fatigue onset but as a result of a need ... During the marathon I ran until the fatigue set.  Bad strategy if one thinks about it as once fatigue is set, it is set.  I am glad I had that revelation this morning because I will be more aware of walking breaks strategy during the LAs Vegas RnR.  I built up enough endurance to run 18 miles straight without breaks.  But, taking breaks will likely spread that endurance over the 26.2 miles course so that my overall performance on my second marathon is improved.  Couple with that I think for marathon race I should stop carrying hydration with me and rely instead on the water provided by the race then I think there is a real potential for subtle improvement there.  Think that I start the race carrying 24 ounces of water plus the hydration belt ... How much more energy did I spent on carrying that extra weight around ?  How much more impact did my body endure as the result of this extra weight?

First time i really even think about cadence ... Thats the number of time a single leg hit the ground per min. Elite athletes hit about 90 times/ min ... For amateurs athletes ... 85 is great if you get there ... Me ? Well i don't know my cadence ... I will evaluate mine during my training run this afternoon ... Cadence has to do with efficiency. Sprinter cadence is only about 10% greater than a marsthoner ... The difference there is stride lenght ... So cadence has to do with efficiency ... Good form also helps protect against injury. Cadence along witn form can all be worked on during strides or interval training ... And with sufficient repeats it builts into muscle memory, which will reflect in your race performance.

so it all connects back somehow ...

Las Vegas Training RnR - Day 10 thru 13

Day 10 was a six miler.  I ran it at lunch I didn't feel too good.  It's a cold that comes and go.  I measured my cadence at different point of the run.  I was curious to know what mine is.  The route I selected had a long straight, flat stretch, incline and decline where I could measure cadence.

Right before mile 2 ... 74/min ... decline
Right after mile 2 ... 83/min ... decline?
At mile 4 ... 82/min ... slightly upcline?
Passed mile 6 ... 77/min ... incline?

Recall from my 10/19/11 article Strides - intervals - Walking - Cadence  elite runners' cadence is about 90/min.  Well to do amateur runners' cadence about 85.  Maintaining 85 is tough for me.  Comfort zone seems to be around 75-80.  I can work on my cadence while interval training.  In addition to speed I would be keeping track of my cadence and training my self to maintain my cadence the same whether through the interval laps or the recovery laps ... More interval training Tuesday or Wednesday probably.

Day 11 was only three miles.  Easy enough.  I felt aware of my cadence.  I usually don't.  Interesting.

Day 12 was day of rest but I went strength training at the gym.  I worked out pretty hard.  Today (Saturday) my chest and shoulder are quite sore lol.  Did a little cool down run after the upper body workout, leg movements with the elastic band (not sure what these exercise are called), hamstring push-ups and planks.  Well yeah far from a day of rest I know.  But it really felt good.

I didn't feel as great this morning though lol.  I put the alarm at 6am because I was short on time to day to do my 6 miler.  It was raining and looked cold outside.  I went back to bed lol ... I fell asleep then woke up at 6:47 ... This time I put my gear on and braved the elements.  I did a somewhat slower run around the neighborhood, in the 9 min/mile range.  My energy level was definitely lower but he run was pleasant.  I completed 5 miles.  I cut the run short by one mile to conserve my legs for tomorrow's half marathon ... That's right. day 14 has a 12 miler scheduled.   I will run the Ft. Steilacoom half marathon from the Evergreen Trail Runs series for this week-end long run.  It's the last race in the series, cheap registration and a chance to experiment trail running: "the course has little elevation and the trails are non-technical, making it a great race if you're trail running for the first time."  A nice break from road races.  I plan on running it easy.

If the run goes great it will boost my confidence.  The longest I ran since the Bellingham marathon is just shy of 8 miles so this is the first time I am getting back in the double digits!

Well ... I am gonna lay down and get some rest.  Early wake-up tomorrow the race is in Lakewood, wa which is south of tacoma, about 82 miles from here.  Wake up 5:45.  Leave by 6:45.  Get there for registration and BIB pick at 8:15.  Half starts at 9:30.  Like any self-respecting obsessive runner I checked my gear by laying it out on the bed, folding the clothes, then putting it back in my bad int the order the item will be required :)   OCD has its upsides !

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Las Vegas RnR Training - Day 9

As I mentioned it in my article yesterday I did strides at today.  This is the first time I put that much sciences into strides.  Strides are mentioned a lot in the articles I read.  Professional runners and amateurs alike seem to enjoy this type of exercise.  I have done intervals many times where one sprints for a fixed amount of time then recover for a multiple of that amount of time (2x ... 4x ...)  thus the name intervals LOL.  Strides are different in the sense you sprint a fixed distance at a target speed.  In my article yesterday I calculated that my 400m strides are about 3 laps on the gym's track.  Before going to the gym I figured out that at 8:15 min/mile (10k pace) I would cover 400 feet (one gym lap) in about 35s so three laps at 105 seconds or 1 min 45 seconds for a 400m .  I clocked myself each lap (A & B).  Here is the Lap summary:

1A / 1:14.6 / 25s per lap
1B / 1:35.2 / recovery
2A / 1:07.7 / 22.6s per lap
2B / 2:24.1 / recovery
3A / 1:06.5 / 22.3s per lap
3B / 2:07.8 / recovery

Total workout time was 9:36.3.

At the end of the strides I cooled down with 5 min on the stationary bike.  I did not have a specific exercise to do on it, I just did some stuff I remember from the Shift and Lift class, alternate low and high intensity for 30s to 60s.  When I got off the bike my quads were stiff like a rock ...

All in all it was a relatively short but fun workout.  I actually enjoyed it!  It was challenging in unto itself.  I never figured that I would enjoy it but I did.  The purpose of writing this down is more to document for now.  The times I clocked show I can run faster than the 10k pace for a limited number of strides so I can baseline that for my next stride workout.  Also i think that in the more advanced schedules from Hal Higdon's strides are scheduled on Wednesdays with easy / longer runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  So I am not sure how to integrate the strides with the 8 weeks schedule for now.  Will work toward increasing the number of strides.

Tomorrow 6 miler at marathon pace :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Las Vegas RnR Training - Day 7 & 8

Yesterday per the 8 weeks schedule was a 1-2 hours anything but running kinda day. I felt energized to do more and my legs didn't feel much sore from Saturday "strong legs" routine.  So also considering the 8 weeks between marathon schedule assumes it is the second week following the marathon that i had an extra week of rest (this is my third week since the completion of BBM) I felt ready to run a second run.  I ran my South Everett 5.8 miles route around the gym.  That run gave an idea what it will feel like to run the long runs following the 6 mile runs on Saturday in the following weeks of the training.  I felt my legs were pretty tight actually.  The run was much less energetic than it was saturday.  I though the strong leg routine diminished my potential for Sunday.  I figured during that run that I shouldn't strength train my legs on Saturday.  I think the best time for Strength training will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Day 8, today Monday 10/17 was a day of rest.  It was a bright crisp autumn day today so I went out for walk at lunch.  I loosen my legs up a little and broke a little sweat with 4930 steps.  We figured the walk itself might have have been 1.5 miles.

Tomorrow I have a 3 mile run.  I want to practice strides.  Strides help a runner run faster pace.  Hal Higdon recommends starting strides at a 10k pace and aim to reach a 5 k (from a FaceBook post a couple of weeks ago).  I copied down his recommended approached and developed my little training here:

5-10 min warm-up
8x400feet strides @ 8:15 - 8:30 a mile (my 10k pace)
Start with 2-3 repeats ... work to 5-6 with an ultimate goal of 8 ...

Lap 1a 400m fast
Lap 1b 400m slow
Lap 2a 400m fast
Lap 2b 400m slow

depending on how I feel attempt a third stride

Lap 3a 400m fast
Lap 3b 400 m slow

Add a cool down to that.

Total up to:
Warm up 1 mile (that's roughly 10 minutes)
3600m total strides that's 10,800 feet or roughly 2 miles (2.05 miles to be exact) which accounts for the distance for the day.

The track at the gym is 400 feet or 133 meters per lap.  So 399 meters for 3 laps.

Wow that's a lot of math and conversion and shit for just running lol .... Let's how it goes tomorrow ... I am looking forward to it !  Actually as I proof read I realized that I won't have my GPS signal to tell me how fast I am running (the gym has an indoor track) so I will need to calculate how fast to run the 3 gym laps at the required pace.  The cool thing is that I could also customized a workout on RunKeeper once I know how fast I need to go I can program an interval workout in RunKeeper.  I have not used that functionality before since I just discovered last week it exist ... More food for thoughts ...  I'll figure out the timings tomorrow morning.  Happy running :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Las Vegas RnR Training - Day 6

Per today's plan I completed a 6 mile run this morning.  The run felt great.  I ran 6.7 miles actually but I felt eager for more miles.  I had to held myself from running more.  I did the 3/1 tempo on this run followed by the customary burpees.  At the end of the run I also performed the strong leg routine.  The soreness of my legs was almost gone.  I did the workout outside the gym:

Single Leg squats - 3x10 (target 3x12)
Balance run none - should try with a narrow board next time (target 3x30s)
Heel raises - 3x8 (target 3x15)
Hamstring push-up - 3x8, but recommended starting at 1x8, , should had started lower last time probably why I was so sore ah ah (target 3x12)

And last but not least ...

Plank+lift - 60s + 15s hold, break 60s (target 3 minutes)

I figured even though tomorrow is 1-2 hours cross I could squeeze another 6 miler instead followed by some upper body workout.  Since part of the training is about experimenting, why not?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Las Vegas RnR Training - Day 5

Friday is a rest day.  Although at times I have cross-trained or did weights on Fridays when I was training for BBM I plan to just enjoy the day today.  As I predicted yesterday the soreness is much less … I was thinking on my way to work that today would be a great day for a massage to help out my calves so I may look into that for later. 

Either way I woke up fuller of energy today more than any other day since I completed BBM.  I feel great.  Maybe because it’s Friday lol … For the first time since in a couple of weeks I don’t feel like I am running around like a chicken with it’s head cut-off.  I feel I have a purpose again.  Regardless of the questions and doubts I may be having about completing Las Vegas RnR in under 4:30 I have registered for it so I will run it.  The question really becomes I am ready to give it my best shot.  I am.  I think writing day by day about my training has helped re-focus me as well.  Even if I am not out there running 20 miles for now I am back in training in full swing.  Each action I take has a purpose, an expected outcome.  Predicting these outcomes is part of experimenting, learning about my body, blowing through my limits.

So thank you Humboldtcindie for your words of encouragements.  Thank you SGF for your words of reasons.  Thank you Michelle for going to the Y with me yesterday.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Las Vegas RnR Training - Day 4

Today was a 4 miler run on the treadmill ... yuck that's right the boring treadmill.  I broke the run in 1.5 miles segment with a series of pushups at mile 1.5, then hanging windshield washers at mile 3.0 and completed with some lunges.  I did not perform the stronger leg routine today due to the soreness still quite present in my legs... I used the random hill feature on the treadmill instead for the second 1.5 mile stretch and powered through slopes ranging from .4% to 1.5%.  I think that strategy worked quite right.  I don't expect more soreness as a result of battling the treadmill tonight.  As I continue strengthening my legs I should be able to incorporate the stronger legs routine after Tuesdays and Thursdays run.  In the mean time tomorrow is a day of rest, before the schedule 6 miler on Saturday ...

Stats ... Distance 4.5 miles ... about 7.0 mph average.  Heart rate at the end of mile 4.5 was 152 bpm.

Las Vegas RnR Training - Day 2 & 3

The eight week training started Monday 10/10 with a day off ah ah ... Day 2 had a two miler scheduled.  Easy enough one might think.  It was.  I ran a little extra still.  I tried out the new strength routine I describe on my earlier article "Stronger legs".  That was the focus of day 2.  I tried the routines.  I had the most difficulties with the hamstring push-ups.  I felt like a knots below the knee and had a hard time keeping my stability.   My legs and knees shook quite a bit through each exercise, a clear indication that my legs are weaker that I though they were but the knee pain wasn't flaring up either.  So I think it's all a good signs.  First the knee pain isn't consistent nor chronic.  The soreness in my legs shows that there is potential to develop my legs ...

I could feel quite a bit of soreness in my calves the next day (Wednesday).  Short 3 miles run today.  I kept a good pace despite the soreness.  I waited for signs of knee pain flaring but the pain seemed more focused in my sore quads and calves.  I felt a sort of tightness around the knees, not so much like the pain and inflammation I have been feeling since the end of BBM.   Since these exercise re-inforce not only the different leg muscles but also their connection I am hoping I am experiencing a strengthening of my ligaments too, which with proper stretching should help alleviate the inflammation and pain on the outside of my knees ... And support me though my next marathon.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Long runs mile limits ?

I found an interesting question on askhalhigdon, from a person training for his first marathon asking if he could go 22 miles on his first 20 miler ... Then 24 on his second ... I smiled because i did just that ! Hal feedback .,. Could you? Yes ... Why would you? Hal suggest the 20 miler is enough for a first timer ... And it may be even too much a strain to go over 20 for a first timer. Looking back i can see some of the logic now ... Considering that 24 miles is almost a full marathon ... The recovery from such distance the first time you reach it is gonna be intense even if reaching that distance itself may not seem like such a stretch ... It raises the risk of injury and may also result in "overtraining" which will make the first marathon more difficult than it needs to be.

But Hal also suggest that second and third timer marathoners should be able to adjust the mileage to what feels right based on their marathon experience. As one runs more mararhon Hal even suggests to experiment with other training schedules. So Really i shouldn't feel so locked in the mileage ... I already committed the rookie mistake ... But now that i am a marathon runner i can call it simply "experimenting" lol

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Questions and Doubts ...

I completed a 2 mile jog today followed by some burpees and some hanging windshield washers.  On the burpees I complete a wide pull up each burpee.  I noticed more difficulty doing the wide pull-ups.  On the windshield wipers my butt hanged low ... It probably does each time I do them but for some reason I noticed that today lol ... Anyway I feel like I have lost some of my shape during my recovery from the BBM.  So it was good hitting the gym today.

I have a hard time finding a balance between running and the gym.  When I started running, it was to support my training, work on my stamina and endurance.   Of course the marathon distance was just an idea.  I read that most runners at some point will wonder about the marathon distance ... The challenge of it, whether they can do it ... Join that club.  Not all runners will attempt that distance.  Of those who do,  they find out what kind of a runner they are ... Some will give up ... Many go on to run more ...  

I guess that's where I am at now.  I wondered about that the 26.2 ... I completed a 26.2 ... In the process I found a passion.   In the beginning leading up to committing to a 26.2 I was still spending 3-4 hours at the gym exercising in addition to my weekly mileage throught most of 2011.  It's difficult from a schedule point of view to keep these hours and taxing from a physical point of view as well when you ae also running 30 - 40 miles a week.  Maybe it's because I have greatly reduced my weekly mileage in my taper and recovery ... but I feel fat and lazy.  I miss the energy and excitement that came with training for my first 26.2.

The gym gave me back a little of that excitement today.  it also reminded me that if I choose running I must let go of some of the routine I became used to at the gym over the last 3 years ... There are new routines I can develop now to support my running, such as cross-training my legs more ... or this winter after the Las Vegas RnR I could still attack the P90x program ... I need to accept now that other form of exercise are a mean to an end.  It's "cross-training" not "training".  I discovered I can run ... Now I need to live like I run ...

According to the Hil Higdon's 8-week training schedule I started today there isn't a long run until Sunday 10/15, a 12 miler ... Which is terrible, I wanna hit the road again NOW.  I need to prove to myself I can get back the distance, and better.  I am looking forward to doing longer runs ... I am also anxious about them.  I worry my knee will bother me too much.  Then what?  What if I have to drop out from Las Vegas marathon ... I tried out the "stronger leg" routine after the jog this afternoon to get an idea where I was at.  My legs were shaking which indicate weaknesses in my muscles.  My harmstrings had a tendency to cramp up when I was doing the hamstring exercise.  This was a very revealing session to me.

Yet right now my biggest worry is will I even be able to complete the Las Vegas RnR?  How humiliating would it be if I get scouped up to the finish because I could not finish under the 4 hour 30 min time limit ? ... How much my knee is going to be a factor in my training?  Questions and doubts that just linger in the back of my mind ...

Stronger legs

Well yeah I stole the title from this article but what else call an article dedicated to tips to strengthening legs?   this article mentions how when you have an imbalance of muscle you tend to overuse  certain muscles which can inflame the tendons.  With my knee issue coming and going, I continue to think imbalance is part of my problem.  The recommendation is to piggy back these exercises 2-3 times a week after my easy runs ... I also like the setup ... 5 exercises 15 minutes.  Minus the stability ball I can do these pretty much anywhere ...

So I am thinking Tuesday - Wednesday and Thursday.  The hamstring push up is recommended to correct imbalance.  From a pure fun standpoint the plank+lift looks hella fun.  Planks are ALWAYS fun ... 1:30 to 2:30 sweaty minutes of fun lol ...

Let's not forget the upper body though ... I'll keep doing the burpees after the longer run probably.  Under my 8 weeks program for the Las Vegas RnR I have 6 miles runs schedules on Saturdays then long (paced) runs on Sunday.  Burpees would be fun after 20 miles ... they surely were fun after 13 :)  Maybe I'll try to run the 6 miles near my gym or the Y in Marysville to incorporate some upper body workout.

Anyway ... Looking forward to going running today ... even if only 2 miles ...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Kick It In High Gear !

(Written originally a week ago)

I read [this morning] how runners can over-develop their hamstrings as compared to their quads ... Which can cause a slight twist of the knees when the quads are too weak ... One possible cause of "runner's knee" ... I have been wondering if that is part of what is bothering my knee ... Then i realized how since the end of the shift n lift class a few months back i have not really done much for my quads ... So quite possibly my quads have not devepopped as much my hamstrings throughout the marathon training ... So ... Figured i would warm-up on the cycle machine this morning ... And it felt great ! I felt the burning :)

Adding more stretching not only before and after a run but also in the morning ... In the hot shower as the muscles in my body are relaxing ... And stretching in the evening ... my knee pain seem to be alaviating ...

I am thinking (when possible) to hit the cycle machine after my runs to help my quads get stronger. I think this time around i need better emphasis on my lower body as i know my upper body has now the stamina to run a full marathon ... "this time around" being the Las Vegas RnR :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Back to the Aesics !

I found the greatest deal ever at Finish Line in Bellevue Friday ! Aesics Nimbus for $55 ... I ran with Nimbus last before switching to the Brooks Trance 9 in June ... I used a special pair of knotted elastic laces i bought at the seattle RnR Sports Expo with the Trance 9 which helped eliminating a lot of the pressure points in the shoes somehow. So Can't complain much about the Trance 9 they provided extra support and were comfortable enough to put in 428 miles on them so far in 3 months ! They are not as cushioning as they used to. I ran the BBM with them. I though about switching my shoes a couple of weeks before the marathon but since it was my taper i wouldn't get to try any new pairs on a long run so i settled for the devil i knew. This decision may have been a contributing factor the pain i felt during the marathon ... I think the Trance 9 are passed their prime ... They had 391 miles on them at the start of the marathon ...

The Aesics Nimbus look slick ! I love the bright orange color of this pair. The Nimbus provide my foot with enhanced cushioning but less side support. Arch support feel great. The shoe is slightly wider so it allows my foot to expand over long runs. I don't recall since last time i ran how much stability i felt with the Nimbus ... I think they are kinda loose ... Then again There has been times my ankles kinda hurt with the Trance 9 too, i recall that happening on crowned roads mostly though. It will be intetesting to compare how the Nimbus feel on similar roads.

My overall impression with the Brooks wasn't bad but i have to say that after trying 2 different brands (a no name that turned out real bad running shoe then Brooks) i have missed my aesics Nimbus ... It has been the most confortable shoe i can remember running in ... I couldn't wait to put the Aesics on for my run this morning !