Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Las Vegas RnR Training - Day 17

 I haven't blogged for a few days.  I completed the Steilacoom Half marathon trail race on Sunday.  Did good placement-wise (2:04:54 11/18 age group and 47/132 overall).  But as a training run I didn't push it.  Still it was a difficult course with comparison of most the routes I ahve done with a 1000 ft elevation gain.  My legs got a workout !

I did some strides yesterday day 16 per my schedule but with the Bahamas cruise upon us in 2 days I need to shuffle the training schedule some this week.  The most important thing being I complete a 16 mile run this week.  My original plan was to begin the run on the ship's running track then finish that with a few miles off the shore ending at the Queen's staircase in historic Nassau.  I have been doing some more thinking I don't think this would work out as good as I think it would.  Running in Nassau will be fun but my training is serious business and there is no guaranty that indeed I will find the time to make it work.  For that reason I am gonna break the rule on have my long run in the middle of the week instead.  This afternoon.  Also I am worried about the high humidity in the Bahamas.  In reality Las Vegas will be dry and mild so there is no need for me to run in high humidity.  I may pass out of heat exhaustion running that many miles for all I know ... Not cool !

In a way it will let me experience what a long run feels like in less than ideal conditions.  It will be a tough run considering 1) this is Wednesday and all my runs on Wednesdays are tough for some reason and 2) I just ran a half Sunday.  But, I think I can manage.  I will run a local route in Marysville.  I can always drop out if I feel the run is too tough and will be not too far from home.  So per the revised week6 schedule Thursday (tomorrow) is the day we fly is day of rest.  I may workout tomorrow but no running.  I can enjoy leisure runs on the ship track with the ocean around me without the pressure of the training on my mind that way.  I figure I will run 6 milers the rest of the week. 

Happy running everyone !

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